Within a unit on Segregation it would be a good idea to look at the story of Ruby Bridges to discuss the theme of respect, as she was one of the first African American children to attend an all-white elementary …
I’m teaching characterization in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter. I will focus on the theme of respect by looking at the book’s protagonist, Hester Prynne, and tracking her journey from scorned societal outcast to respected contributor within her community. …
Respect is something all students want. The question is how to get it. Students are told that if they hold themselves in high regard, people will want to be around them. They are also told that respect comes from doing things for others. Though the path towards respect is different for people, all agree that it is a worthwhile pursuit and leads to greater self-awareness and self-efficacy.
Respect is something adolescents think a lot about After all, there are great rewards to being respected: more friends, love from parents, favors from teachers and acceptance from society. That’s a pretty sweet deal. American history is replete with leaders …