I may have stumbled into a way to 1. inspire students to ask more questions 2. encourage close reading of a primary source 3. save time Back story: Around 10 years ago I watched my student teacher try a strategy …
MLK’s Letter From a Birmingham Jail is a true classic, both for its historical significance and unapologetic endorsement of non-violent civil disobedience. It actually made the list of required readings for the AP government/politics course, a list that includes Federalist Paper …
Essential Questions are great tools to organize courses and units. Regardless of how we end up using them, sooner or later reality demands that students find some answers! And here’s where the real work begins. Consider the challenge this way: to answer …
The Big Idea: All students have run across “know-it-alls”. They might be one themselves. They walk into a room and express supreme confidence with their knowledge. Being humble is seen as a sign of weakness. Then there are those timid …
The next school year will start and, if you’re like me, you have no idea what it’s going to look like. But let’s imagine… You’re finished with the rules and procedures and expectations for the year. You’re ready to set …
It seems paradoxical but it’s not. Children’s stories capture our imagination, make us wonder, and reveal the inherent mysteries of life in the simplest and most profound ways. They can also motivate teachers and students of all grade levels and subjects …
When I first came across this video from the online knowledge forum Big Think, I really didn’t know what to expect. Looking at the subtitle “Start Breaking Some Rules” I was a little apprehensive since I’ve always thought encouraging adolescents to break rules …
Two truths about teaching: 1. Questions don’t work too well unless students are in the mood for them. 2. Nothing sets a mood like a good story. Two truths about stories: 1. They captivate the imagination. 2. They create healthy …
Here’s what I have so far… Does our system of government succeed or fail in preventing the abuse of power? Do interest groups frustrate or promote democratic ideals? Is popular sovereignty a reality or an illusion? Are the media …
This essential question comes from a New York Times article by Beverly Gage, which was shared via Twitter by Mary Ellen Daneels ( @daneels_m ), lead teacher mentor for the Robert R. McCormick Foundation and contributor to IllinoisCivics.org The article …
The College Board has designed specific Essential Questions to underpin each of the five broad content categories: Foundations, Interactions Among Branches of Government, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, American Political Ideologies and Beliefs and Political Participation. Here they are: Category: …
Sometimes good teaching involves misdirection. You start with a topic that seems unrelated to the class, drift to another activity and then to another. If all goes well, (a big assumption!) your students are emotionally and intellectually invested in learning. …