Audre Lorde – Self-Expression

“Your silence will not protect you.”
Audre LordeBig Idea
Students make moral choices everyday. Usually these choices revolve around specific actions they take like helping a friend, deciding not to cheat on a test or obeying curfew. But students also make the moral choice to be silent after witnessing the immoral behavior of others. In these situations, fear and the impulse for self-protection override the duty to help others. Learning when to speak up in the midst of injustice is a very important part of moral development.
According to American writer and feminist Audre Lorde, if you don’t speak up, your voice will never be heard. If you don’t stand up for yourself, then you will get taken advantage of. If you don’t stand up against injustice, it will never go away and it will be knocking at your door soon.
Sometimes being quiet is the right thing to do. You need to be silent to protect yourself or a friend. Minding your own business can offer protection as well.
How do we know when to be silent?
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