Susan B. Anthony – Freedom
“Independence is happiness.”
Susan B. AnthonyBig Idea
Freedom and happiness are two concepts that most students believe have undeniable value. Look no further than the Declaration of Independence and its famous phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” to see evidence of this value. Yet, on a personal level, it is an open question whether independence actually leads to happiness in all cases for all people. Sometimes, surrendering independence might be necessary to gain fulfillment. Students have the life-long challenge of deciding when pursuing independence–or giving it up– is the best path to follow to get what they want.
According to American women’s rights activist Susan B. Anthony, the more independence you have, the happier you are. Controlling your own destiny is the surest path towards fulfillment.
Giving up your independence and trusting others will lead to happiness. Surrendering control and letting others make choices for you provide the conditions for your own fulfillment.
Can you be happy without independence?
Student Video
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When teaching the novel Into the Wild by John Krakauer, I can focus on the theme of the pursuit of happiness and introduce the Susan B. Anthony conversation and the concept of Freedom at the beginning ...
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