Margaret Mead – Civic Responsibility

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret MeadBig Idea
When students hear the mantra “You can make a difference in the world,” there’s often an eye-roll. Students struggle to see how the actions of a few can have big consequences for the many. The fallout of this attitude is that many won’t decide to participate in that school-wide fundraiser, start that club or vote in the next election. The impulse to remain apathetic is strong but, as Mead reminds us, it just takes a different way of thinking to liberate us to act.
Individuals can rely on themselves to change the world, according to American anthropologist Margaret Mead. In fact, change always starts with small groups of people believing in an idea and committing themselves to see the idea through to completion.
Mead may be a little naive here. Leaders, not individuals, are the ones who have the power to make real change. Individuals may make a lot of noise but they lack true influence and must depend on leaders for change to happen.
Should we trust others or rely on ourselves to change the world?
Student Video

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